The First | April 10 on 10 | Personal

Spring is finally in the air. Unfortunately, we haven’t been out to enjoy much of it as we’ve all gotten sick over the last month (some of us sick more than once). I can’t say my kids were thrilled to participate this month. I waited until the last minute to shoot and hoped they’d cooperate but they really weren’t pleased, especially because I shot these in the rain. Believe me, I wasn’t pleased either. I really hesitated on whether I should post these because they weren’t quite what I envisioned. Then I realized I didn’t really have anything envisioned and that it’s my 10 on 10 and since it’s about the boys, anything goes. It’s about documenting their age and stage, each and every month. Some will be better than others in my eyes. In yours, it may be a completely different story.

I told them one day they’ll appreciate all the photos I take, including these 10 on 10s. They asked what appreciate means. I promised him a special Skylanders umbrella if he gave me 5 minutes to take his pictures; he quickly understood what appreciate meant. So this is what my 10 on 10 for April is about – my first born. A break from the norm and a focus on just one.


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Thanks so much for always checking out my 10 on 10 and keeping the circle going by clicking here to visit the lovely Brandy Anderson’s 10 on 10 (which I have to say is quite special this month, click her link to find out why).

Musical Inspiration: Bright Fire by The Honey TreesÂ