Fresh and New | January 10 on 10 | personal

Another year documenting my kids. Another 10 on 10. This month, I decided to keep it simple. To just shoot. To see what my kids would give me in 10 minutes rather than shooting an entire days worth. So, in true 10 on 10 form — I shot 10 images (maybe a tiny bit more than that) in 10 minutes. And this is what I got!

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Of course, we had to try out the reindeer hats as well. Aren’t these hats amazing? My dear friend Jaime Coyle made them for a little “adult” newborn project we did back in the day. I found them in my closet and well … the boys can’t stop wearing them! I think this reindeer hat will need to make an appearance for future Christmases!

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Then we went outside. It was too pretty not to take advantage so I snapped a few right outside of our home. I wish I could have brought them somewhere but the weather was so bad. We tried to drive earlier that day and didn’t make it very far so we turned around and stayed in. PS: Please give Jameson props for wearing buttons. It’s really hard for him but we told him his new sweater (from cousins Candice and Tenille) made him look just like Daddy ;)

It was way too cold to keep adjusting their scarfs but the point was to take what I could in 10 minutes. Oh, and Jackson did NOT enjoy the snow on his hair. At all. It was hard watching him twitch about it haha, but then again, this winter has produced record snow and temps for them (and for our little city) — I gotta cut them a little slack!

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Thank you for checking out another month! It’s always such a fun experience for me. I think I may look back at what we did a year ago in February. Stay tuned! In the meantime, check out Nikki Herdman’s 10 on 10. She’s a new and very welcomed addition to our group! If you’re a professional photographer and would like to join in this year, please let me know! We have a couple spots left. We like to keep the group small! Thanks, Robyn xo

Musical Inspiration: Mine by Beyonce (featuring Drake)