Lights, Camera, Action | June 10 on 10 | Personal

This is a special 10 on 10 for me. And one of the longest days ever for me personally. It started out at Oakville Academy (I went to drop off a client order as most of you know, I am the principal photographer for the OAA and just finished a solid week of recital photography). I have to tell you, I absolutely love musical theatre. It was a passion of mine for a long time so getting the opportunity to work in the industry again is an absolute pleasure. Once I got back from the OAA, we went straight to Hamilton for the boys dance rehearsal at the Hamilton Theatre Company. Here are some behind the scenes. None of these are titled this month as I am showing you more than 10 photos. Like I said, it is a special 10 on 10 for me so I’m marching to my own beat this month ;)

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After getting ready and having fun “backstage”, we were treated to their dance rehearsal and I have to admit, I got a little teary watching my kids on the big stage. I really wasn’t sure what was going to happen. It’s the first time they’ve been on stage; I know how daunting that can be. Lots of bright lights and people. Loud music. You just never know. In fact, in many situations, the opposite of what we THINK will happen with the boys, happens. So, we were ready for anything. But they did so well, I was so proud! I love their expressions in these photos (their dance teacher Talina is taking a bow wearing all black).

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Showtime!! I’m showing more rehearsal photos because I was able to get up close to the stage to take my photos. As you can see, Jameson performed with vigor and emotion while Jackson did what he does best … stood and observed haha. In his defence, we switched him into Jameson’s class only about a month ago so he had a new routine to learn. It’s amazing how quickly they pick these things up! And he performed every move for the recital so we couldn’t be more proud! Jameson, on the other hand, I really can’t talk about how passionate he is about dancing. He really loves ballet and he’s developing a great point! He really stole the show, at least for this proud mama! ;)

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After their rehearsal, we got them dressed into their “cat” outfits (don’t ask, that’s what they call their leisure suits) and headed home. Their good friend (and apparently Jameson’s future wife Becca) joined in for some of the fun! There is something about that photo of Jameson dancing quietly on his own below that just makes my heart melt.
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We got the boys home for lunch and a nap. Once they were down, I took off to shoot a small vow renewal in Flamborough and met up with Wes and the kids when I was done. It worked out perfectly because the ceremony was not even 10 minutes away from the theatre so I was able to grab a bite to eat after the ceremony (I even got there early!!).

The photo below is probably one of my favourite photos of the day (although I have so many from this day). The one of Jameson surrounded by all the “Dorothy’s” … it really speaks volumes about what it’s like behind the scenes and the stage that Jameson is in right now. I’m really really happy I have photos like this that show his true nature and element. And hey, look who makes an appearance in this months’ 10 on 10. Yep, yours truly!! :)

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Showtime! One of the proudest and happiest days of my life so far watching them perform. I really can’t explain how I felt but I do hope these photos help! ;)
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And a few extras from the show and behind the scenes, including sweet Becca as Dorothy and her family (her parents are dear friends and neighbours of ours, it was really nice sharing this experience with them). It was a true treat getting to enjoy all the dances (when I’m at the OAA, I’m usually photographing while the performances are happening). Although it was a long and late show (we didn’t get home until 1100pm), I thoroughly enjoyed sitting through each performance. I’m showing a few highlight performances for me, especially the ones that included other boys. There was also a group of female dancers who did their thang to a few Beyonce mashups … I was so impressed and inspired. I’ve always wanted to learn how to dance to hip hop. Like, properly. I’m one of those “I can totally dance” type people until I look in the mirror. But if I’m on a dance floor with no mirrors, watch out! I have no shame! But seriously, maybe one day I’ll formally take some classes…

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Thanks for checking out this incredibly long 10 on 10 this month lol. I promise, next month won’t be as long. Let’s keep the circle going! Click here to find out what Melissa is up to this month! I absolutely adore her work. Make sure to check out her work, not just her 10 on 10. Until next time, Robyn xo