Second Annual Cutie Patootie Contest | Robyn S. Russell Photography

It’s that time of year again! And this is no April Fool’s prank! This is for real. I LOVE my clients. The last year was such an amazing experience for me and this year is shaping up to be even better. That’s all thanks to YOU! So when I can, I like to reward my clients with opportunities to win free stuff! This time, I have a 16×24 gallery wrap up for grabs. It’s worth over $400.00, so it’s a pretty big prize. I know my clients will appreciate each and every vote so why not help them out!

The contest is pretty simple. Vote for your favourite photo by leaving a comment at the bottom of this blog post where it says “post a comment”. Invite as many people as you can to vote on your photo. Only ONE vote per person per photo is allowed (including your own). That means you can vote more than once if you like more than one photo, but only one vote per photo is allowed. Please play fair. Duplicate entries will be deleted (I am checking each and every vote to be fair). Only votes with valid names/email addresses will count. This is a blog contest, so please do not cast your vote on Facebook. I set this contest up on my blog so that everyone could participate, whether you have Facebook or not, to increase their chances of winning. Hooray!!!

But I love Facebook and I love seeing new fans join my group SO I’m rewarding my clients with “extra” votes if they send their family and friends on Facebook to my Facebook Fan Page. For every NEW fan, they’ll receive ONE extra vote, so help them out and become a fan! Please let me know on my Fan Page who sent you so I can give credit where credit is due (this is for new fans only). The person with the most votes by Friday April 8th at noon wins! Easy peasy! Now …. what are you waiting for! Let the voting begin!

Please note, votes will not show up right away because I need to approve them as they come in so that the process is fair. I’m not always on my computer, especially after business hours and on weekends. So, please be patient with me and the process! My blog accepts 50 votes per page so if you don’t see your vote on the first page, it may be on the second .. or third, etc. At any rate, I will be tallying votes as often as I can. Thanks for voting!

And while you’re here, feel free to check out my blog and website! There is so much for everyone to enjoy! Robyn xo

Thank you so much for playing and participating! The contest has ended and no more votes will be taken at this time!

The winner (including second and third runner up) will be announced on Sunday. I will be triple checking votes to ensure accuracy and fairness were maintained. Thank you!